A red and green background with a sun in the middle.
A cartoon of a woman in yellow dress.

Leadership Linda

We have recently added a new associate to our organisation, Leadership Linda. Linda is an avatar, a representation, or possibly a caricature of me and my flawed AND fabulous (at times) approaches as a leader.

Linda leads with Love, Resilience, Strength and Bravery.

Linda is tough and soft, has a huge heart and puts 100% into relationships with her team, expects the best from them, gives them support, nurtures them and does not expect them to let her down, she defends their actions and heaps praise upon them. However, if people don’t put the effort in, she will give them a chance to up their game, offer them support, ask if there is anything going on outside of work, but once all of those things are sorted, she won’t hesitate to come down on them hard, if they just aren’t pulling their weight.

She is values driven, sometimes to the point of obsession, her strongest value is integrity and any suggestion that she hasn’t acted with integrity will be met with vehement objection. If one of her team shows any signs of acting without integrity, again she would come down on them like a ton of bricks. Doing the right thing, often in the face of apathy or objection, speaking the truth to power and standing up for the underdog against powerful bullies will make her rise up. 

Stand with Linda, work hard, try your best to do the right thing and she will support you until you are the best you possible, she will push you, stretch you and praise you like mad. Try to waffle, pretend you are doing a good job or not care enough about your work and watch out, Linda will know and she will be the first to act and either help you turn it around if you want to, or she will move you on hopefully to better things, but the choice is yours.

Be led by Linda with Love, Resilience, Strength and Bravery or move on!

Linda will be our guest blogger over the next few months explaining more about how she leads with Love, Resilience, Strength and Bravery, if you have any questions for Linda about how she would deal with any leadership issues then please reply to the blog!

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A red and green background with a bird flying.